[rescue] Re: Re: Determining the country of orgin for IP address(es)

Brian Hechinger wonko at arkham.ws
Wed Feb 27 22:04:22 CST 2002

On Wed, Feb 27, 2002 at 11:09:54PM -0500, James Sharp wrote:
> Document is often 8-10mb in size due to formatting & images.  Mailing list
> is 100+ people.  85-90% of the recipients are on dialup 28.8-33.6 dialup.
> Result:  James's head explodes. *BLAM*

every once in a while a message gets stuck in our MTA cause it can't run the
virus checking software on it.  i go in and look at them.  Rich Text
attatchments.  the record so far is 95MB.  all the reciepients (about 5000
people) are ALL on dialup.  the sender isn't though, so it never occurs to
him the pain he is inflicting on these poor people.


"Oh, shut up Buddha."  -Jesus Christ (South Park)

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