[rescue] Linux

Shawn Wallbridge swallbridge at franticfilms.com
Mon Dec 2 21:58:03 CST 2002

Rick Hamell wrote:

>>you have to pay for the compilers and tools.  You also can't run
>>Solaris legally on a SS20 with two CPUs, let alone a high-end
>>system with the hobbyist license, while the OpenVMS Hobbyist
>	Oops... guess I need to read the fine print a little closer...
>	Rick
>rescue list - http://www.sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/rescue
Technically, I don't think you can run it on any machine that can do 
SMP, so even if you have one CPU. So can't run it in an 
SS10/SS20/U2/U60/U80/6x0MP, etc. IIRC.


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