[rescue] restoring a Sparcstation 10 boot ROM

Jeremy RJ Towers jeremytowers at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Aug 28 18:25:26 CDT 2002

I assume you have run

installboot bootblk <device> ? Although the istakll should have done it....



Andrew Howat wrote:

>Hi all
>I put Suse linux on my sparc 10 for a while, but it completely messed up and
>wouldn't give me X windows stuff and was basically just a console, so I
>installed Solaris 8 over the top of the suse linux partitions. But I can't get
>it to boot, because I think Suse put the SILO loader program as the default
>boot, and now that's gone I can't get the sparc 10 to use the hard drive as a
>boot device, it just insists the program is missing. So does anyone know how
>to restore it so I can use Sol?
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