[rescue] FREE: 3M DC6150 Tape Cartridges

Robert Slover robertjslover at earthlink.net
Sun Aug 4 13:37:12 CDT 2002


I have rescued about 500 DC6150 Tape Cartridges that were otherwise
going to be destroyed.  They have each been used exactly once, for off-
site storage of source code.  Consequently, I had to bulk-erase them
before I could remove them.  I'll ship them to anyone who needs them,
for the actual cost of shipping.  I have no need for them myself.  If
care to donate towards the cost of pacifying my wife about these taking
up space in the living room, that is acceptable, but not required :-).

If interested, contact me off-list with your shipping info, and the
of them you want, if there is such a limit.  After a few days, I will
the tapes equitably among the requests and get back to you with actual
shipping rates (so please include zip codes).

I may have a similar number of them coming again in the near future.



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