[rescue] E450 entry level server.

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Tue Apr 30 14:10:42 CDT 2002

On Tue, Apr 30, 2002 at 03:01:43PM -0400, David.Minc at tas.alcatel.ca wrote:
> I am new to this list and am asking for advice.
>  Can  you recommend a company dealing with refurbished servers from SUN
> such as e450's or e280r's ?
>  I have not bought Sun hardware and am not sure about buying used hardware
> from resellers unless they are recommended.
>  Thanks for any advice.

I HIGHLY recommend Fred Dikeman (fred at workstation.net).  I've been dealing with
him, both as "buying for company" and "buying for the house" for years now.
He's Good People (tm), can be trusted, will give you a good deal, and wont
screw you over.  I've gotten Sun, DEC, and SGI stuff from him.

(and no, he's not a SunHELP advertiser at all, or anything like that - he's
 the first place *I* go for when I need equipment..)

Web page:  http://www.workstation.net


Bill Bradford     | "Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate.
mrbill at mrbill.net | Hate leads to using Windows for mission-critical 
Austin, TX        | applications." -- What Yoda *meant* to say

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