[rescue] MipsPro Compilers

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Mon Apr 29 17:17:06 CDT 2002

On April 29, Brian Hechinger wrote:
> >   Need more info...Manly as in "bright" or manly as in "burn"?
> > Visible or invisible?
> well, burn would be fun, but bright would entertain the neighbors.  thoughts?

  HeNe is pretty passe' but still cool...but I'd go with argon ion,
somewhere in the 10-50mW range.  Most are multiline in the
blue-green...really great color.  Look for a Spectra Physics 161; at
least I *think* that's the correct model number...I have one in
storage, and I know someone who has all the schematics and docs for

  For burning or cutting...Anything visible will be hard to find.  CO2
or Nd:YAG are infrared; usually relatively high power.  Gotta be
really careful with high-power IR lasers, though...the most unlikely
things will reflect that stuff like crazy.


Dave McGuire                                 "Mmmm.  Big."
St. Petersburg, FL                                -Den

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