[rescue] what the hell is this?

Brian Hechinger wonko at arkham.ws
Sun Apr 28 09:40:03 CDT 2002

On Sun, Apr 28, 2002 at 09:02:10AM -0400, Kurt Huhn wrote:
> > a) what is this shit?
> hmm - pr0n?  It looks like somone is trying to use your procy for
> themselves - someone outside your network.

which benefits them how exactly?  now they have to bounce through my connection
to get where they are going.  that more than likely would slow them down, no?

> Not wrong, no.  It's your firewall, you do whtever you want with it. 
> See below....

yeah, that's what i think as well.

> > c) would it be worth the effort?
> That depends on whether they're actually getting anything via the proxy
> - if they are, then they're useing up your bandwidth and getting
> something from you for free (a proxied connection).  If not, then it's
> just probes for an open proxy.  In this case, it might not be worth the
> time and effort for you do block IPs - but that decision is entirely up
> to you.

some get a 200 respone from the server, so it looks like they might be getting
a proxied connection.  which doesn't really benefit them since the proxy is a
non-caching server meant for inbound NameVirtual translation.  but i'd still
rather these dweebs would stop.

> As long as your proxy is secured, you probably have nothing to worry
> about...

i thought it was.  it's not set up as a general proxy, only to do NameVirtual
and the ProxyPass to get connections in to the web servers.  the 200 response
disturbs me though.  how do i lock down apache to only connect to machines on
my internal network?

well, i just woke up, it's too early for thinking yet, i'll go make breakfast
and think on this some more.

"He's hopped up on caffeine. He has the strength of ten mice."  -PVP

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