[rescue] next dimension cube
Randy Bowie
r.bowie at pentasafe.com
Wed Apr 24 07:16:03 CDT 2002
You need a 13W3 to HD 15 cable and you can use any modern monitor for the
color side.
You also need a soundbox for your keyboard/mouse and sound output. The
sound box plugs into the mono monitor port on the main mother board. If you
have a NeXT mono monitor you can use it instead and you will have a very
nice dual headed system. You actually need a mono monitor to configure the
system in the first place.
The "9-pin" connectors are SVHS in and out. The other connectors are NTSC
video. The NeXT Dimension can capture and play(create) video. It acts
like a video overlay card. At one point there was some software for frame
accurate VCR's ( beautiful black video toaster ).
The NeXTDimension was a lot of fun to play with.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Harri Haataja [mailto:harri.haataja at cs.Helsinki.FI]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 3:56 AM
> To: rescue at sunhelp.org
> Subject: Re: [rescue] next dimension cube
> On Tue, Apr 23, 2002 at 06:40:00PM -0400, bill pointon wrote:
> > i have just obtained a next dimension cube and dont know much at all
> > about it anybody know offhand what monitors are compatible
> with either
> > the 9 pin video out or the 13w3 connector ?
> > or there also appears to be a 19 pin monitor connector
> I'm not sure what 9-pin is. The black&white monitor plug is bigger. It
> also carries audio, monitor power (!) and keyboard/mouse to
> the monitor
> to which the actual stuff is connected. Somehow I though all the cubes
> were bw but maybe you have that fabled extra video board in it.
> In which case the 13W3 will take a NeXT color monitor. The pinouts can
> be googled out, I don't remember what's special about this
> one. The sync
> signals are usually the tricky bit.
> I also think you need some kludge to get a bw to boot
> headless. There's
> a sense pin.
> > and what kbd/mice can i use with this very pretty black box
> Either NeXT proprietary ones or Apple ADB depending on version.
> The cube is not very flexible IIRC :-(
> --
> Darwin's Law of Carcinogens: Cancer cures smoking.
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