[rescue] Cooling (Long Message, sorry)

Chris Petersen havoc at apk.net
Wed Apr 17 12:08:26 CDT 2002

On Wed, Apr 17, 2002 at 11:01:18AM -0400, Chad Fernandez wrote:
> Chris Petersen wrote:
> > It helps quite a bit that at my current location the water fountain is
> > *much* closer than the nearest caffeine dispenser.  Hence, my natural
> > laziness (I could be nice and call it "conservation of movement") is kicking
> > in, meaning I end up getting water instead of pop...I get roughly 32-48oz of
> > water a day now this way.
> Wow, your doing really well.  I suppose I drink the same, but not on a 
> regular basis.  On hotter days, I'll down a couple of those 20oz bottles 
> of water from the machines at work, and maybe another on the ride home. 
>   Some days I may not drink any.  Maybe I should work on my consistancy.

Yep, it's going fairly well so far.  Feeling better too.  Now I just need to
get the exercise regimen up & going, and hopefully burn off some weight. 
That's a little more difficult (at least in the motivation area) since I'm
working on the road these days away from home.

> >  My wife tells me you're supposed to get 64oz a
> > day, but of course a portion of that comes from other things.  So I keep
> > improving, daily.  I figure I'll get there at some point - a couple of years
> > ago I couldn't stand to drink water at all!
> Same here.  I wouldn't touch water, like it was going to kill me or 
> something :-)

Yep.  For me, it was the taste.  The cleanest, freshest spring water in the
world would taste like mud to me.  I still get like that, but not as often.
We've gone to filtered water at home (through a Pur canister first and now
through a new built-in filter unit in the referigarator) and I carry a Brita
water bottle now at the office.  I lapse from time to time, but by & large
I'm doing much better than before...


Chris Petersen			  E-mail: havoc at apk.net
Systems Engineer, ExperTeam Services, EDS PLM Solutions

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