[rescue] Okay, I give up (RS/6000 console cable)

Brian Hechinger wonko at arkham.ws
Fri Apr 12 09:51:57 CDT 2002

On Fri, Apr 12, 2002 at 04:45:33AM -0400, Sridhar the POWERful wrote:
> Not necessarily.  That machine has a PowerPC 601 Local Bus slot for video.

would it be able to use an MCA video card in place of the local bus slot card?

> Actually, PS/2 keyboards aren't supported in AIX < 4.0.  The RS/6000
> keyboard isn't the same thing as the PS/2 keyboard.  The RS/6000 keyboard
> has an embedded speaker.  But yes, IBM came up with the idea of the PS/2
> keyboard for the IBM PS/2.

figures. :)

so if i were to put something less than 4.x on my RS/6000 it wouldn't be able
to use the keyboard?  good thing i don't plan to do that. :)

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