[rescue] IBM Proprinter III XL 9pin, or 24pin?

Linc Fessenden linc at thelinuxlink.net
Mon Apr 8 12:00:34 CDT 2002

On Mon, 8 Apr 2002, Chad Fernandez wrote:

> How would they compare to the Okidata dot matrix printers?  I take it , 
> that they are slower, since the oki's seem to be quite fast, to me any way.
> Given the choice would you get a UNISYS AP 1339/Okidata (391?), or an 
> IBM Proprinter III XL?
> The Oki is 24 pin, and Greg says the Proprinter III XL is too.
> In case you haven't guessed, I already have the Unisys badged Okidata, 
> but am considering giving it to my grandmother, to replace her old 
> Epson.  She is mostly retired, but still runs her "History" buisiness on 
> a limited basis.  She sells autographs/letters of past historical 
> figures, and still sends out a mailing list once a year.

Last time I used and Oki it was on a Commodore system :-)  Oki always did
make a solid printer though and the proprinter is a great printer as
well.  I can't imagine either one having so much more speed to make that
the deciding factor, so I would go based on the actual price of the
printer + current ribbon costs and availability.

-Linc Fessenden

In the Beginning there was nothing, which exploded - Yeah right...

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