[rescue] Hello?

Chad Fernandez fernande at internet1.net
Fri Apr 5 09:39:02 CST 2002

Bill Bradford wrote:
> If anybody has a laserdisc player they'll sell cheap, let me know...

I have a broken Sony if you'd like it, but somehow, I doubt thats what 
you meant :-)

It was my first laserdisc player.  I bought it at Goodwill, but didn't 
have any laserdiscs to try with it.  I had to wait until I won my first 
laserdisc auction on Ebay.  It didn't work, disc won't soin up, although 
the laser does seem to be looking for the disc.  By the time I knew it 
didn't work my 7 days, to retturn it, were gone :-(  Oh well it was only 
$10 :-) My current player cost about $30 from Goodwill.

Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA

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