[rescue] 'nuther large lot of I^2's in PA.

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Mon Apr 1 20:38:14 CST 2002

On Mon, Apr 01, 2002 at 09:36:38PM -0500, Brent B. Powers wrote:
> >>>>> "Mark" == Mark Price <mark at paradise.raleigh.nc.us> writes:
>     Mark> This looks intriguing.  Someone has already placed a bid on
>     Mark> it, 'b2pi'.. Is this a list-member?
> It's me, and we've no idea what the reserve is. Anyone know the seller?

I don't know the seller.  I contacted him to ensure that he allows local pick
up.  With such a solid lot of old machines, I'd suggest that who ever picks 
them up make sure he has the money up front from people who want to buy them
from him.

Joshua D. Boyd

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