[rescue] Re: Re: large lot I2s

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Mon Apr 1 14:52:47 CST 2002

On April 1, Joshua D Boyd wrote:
> I'm thinking of starting a small business selling stock media (virtual sets,
> motion backgrounds, stuff for wedding videos, etc) on ebay to make extra bucks
> and motivate myself to be building my stock library.

  I can see it now.  Hanging out at a school all the time, all those
college women running around, flat broke, willing to do damn near
anything for a few bucks...

  "Josh's Pornstreemz, Inc."


Dave McGuire                    "...it's leaving me this unpleasant,
St. Petersburg, FL                 damp feeling on my shorts..." -Sridhar

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