[rescue] Re: BBQ
rescue at sunhelp.org
rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Sep 20 23:38:30 CDT 2001
Actually, most of the successful solutions to that
problem were when the "offending" station told the TV
viewer that the TV was at fault and they could get a
filter for it on no uncertain terms. When they tried to
cooperate, they were dead meat. That's been my
obervation in this part of Jersy. BTW, I had a penpal
in the FCC office for about a year until they visited my
area. Me, a two story house, antennas on the roof. The
TV antenna was 5 ft from the end of the beam. No
interference. Neighbor, one story house, no outside
antenna. Interference even when I wasn't home. End of
> But, if you interfere with their enjoyment of
> TV/Radio, you need to mediate the problem (the onus is
> on you to resolve it, not them)..
> They could complain to the FCC, I think...
> Just a data point,
> Ken
> --- Bill Bradford <mrbill at mrbill.net> wrote:
> > Besides, if I wanted to put up a ham radio tower in
> > the back, they'd
> > have to put up with it - I'd just point at my
> > neighbors' TV antennas..
> =====
> Ken
> n2vip at yahoo.com
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