[rescue] "The wickedness and awesome cruelty of a crushed and humiliated people"

Michael S. Schiller rescue at sunhelp.org
Sun Sep 16 10:08:31 CDT 2001

This list is about rescuing old workstations.  While there have been
many off topic messages talking about the terrorist attack, most all of
them have been from list 'regulars' folks that participate in this list
in an ongoing manner. I can't recall ever seeing a post from Usman
Khalid before the attack, but now he's posting many long messages trying
to make it sound like it was 'ok' that all those folks were killed in
the WTC.  Well, it's NOT ok, and it never will be.  I hope we (the US of
A) wipes them out, THAT will be ok.

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*Email: schiller at agrijag.com       \|||/    http://www.agrijag.com *
*Voice: 423-625-6349               (o o)    FAX: 423-623-9054      *

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