[rescue] Worst rescue [was MY coolest rescue ever, nCUBE2]
BSD Bob the old greybeard BSD freak
rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Sep 4 10:03:11 CDT 2001
> I bought a Sun3/160 w 16 or 32MB RAM in 7 foot cabinet.
> On top: 9 track tape drive. In the middle: VME card cage. On the bottom:
> 2 or 3 14" Eagle SMD drives plus an extra one or two - total giggage was
> 1.7GB I think, may have been 1.3.
Golly, that would be a nice machine! SMD drives are a bit power mad,
though. 9 track reel jobs are more fun that a barrel full of monkeys.
Over the weekend, I had to clean out my storage locker of about 5 tons
of computer wahtzit. Amongst the flotsam and jetsam were a 3/160, a
3/260, and a 4/260. For the fun of it I refurbed them and loaded up
Solaris 1.1.1 on the 260, and SunOS 4.1.1U1 on the other two. They seem
to run great, still. Also, I found my graphics buffer card and graphics
accelerator card, and the infamous TAAC-1 card. Interestingly, some
ancient Sun tapes floated to the surface with TAAC-1 bits on them, and
some old sug stuff. Although I have promised some of the above fodder
to the pair of list folks from up north that did not seem to get down
for the weekend to pick the stuff up.... what is needed to properly
set up a cg2 or cg3 on the mono 4/260 system, and maybe add in the
graphics buffer/accelerator and TAAC, if they are compatible? I seem
to have lost all my old sundocs and notes in the storage locker shuffle.
I hope they were not dumped....(:+((....
Any insights or pointers to urls or info that might help resurrect these
beasts in graphics mode, would be appreciated.
> Paid about $300 or $500 for it in 1994. It came with the ALM-2 serial
> board(s) as well.
Golly, most folks have just said, ``Uhaulitaway!'', to the junque I have
accumulated, except for one 4/110 machine that cost me 60 bucks, because
I was bound and determined to have that particular critter. Alas, it
turned out to be my pig in a poke. My best haul, to date was a DEC 7000
with storage works cabinet (lots of drives) for 70 bucks.
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