[rescue] Wooohhhooo XP -> 0 to BSOD in 12min23sec

George W Adkins rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Oct 30 18:00:46 CST 2001

> And it doesnt help when you get comments like "these people make me sick"
> because those people know exactly what you think of them and thus will

These are exactly the people who have no business using the hardware in the 
first place.  It's like giving a drivers license to someone who has random 
panic attacks if they go outdoors.  Personally I _want_ these people to know 
what I think.  then maybe they will dry up and go back to IBM Selectric 
typewriters or pencils and Steno Pads.

It all boils down to this:  If you can't handle it, then get the hell out of 
the way and let other people get to work.  These people take food out of my 

The attitude that 'Oh, it should be so easy that anyone should be able to do 
it' is killing the sector.  By dumbing systems down to the lowest common 

you are selling kits so that anybody can gring eyeglass lenses out of coke 
bottles, the result is that the bottom falls out of the optometrist business, 
and the optometrists who are left are stuck getting paid half-wage to run 
around trying to fix everyone's crummy coke-bottle glass eyewear.  Not only 
that, but now everyone is perfectly happy with not being able to see beter 
than 20/200, and when presented with 'real glasses' as an alternative, 
they're 'too expensive' or 'too hard to take care of...' because most people 
now think that glasses are supposed to be crappy quality, and everyone just 
throws them away for new ones instead of cleaning the lenses on the pair they 
have now.

George - the out of work optometrist...

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