[rescue] HP9000/715

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Oct 11 20:41:50 CDT 2001

Maybe I'm spoiled by using SPARCs, but I'm having a terrible time with
an HP9000 box. All I want to do is put the OS on a quiet 2Gb drive, as
opposed to the noisy 1Gb drive it's on now.

I have software, but it's for a 8xx series and only pretends to install.
Ignite HP sounds good, but I have yet to be able to boot from one of its
"bootable tapes." (Have an old Archive Viper 1/4" cart drive in the

I don't quite know enough about dd to copy data that way, and I don't
know enough about HP's LVM stuff to just copy everything from one drive
to the other with a cp command or something. (I can get both SCSI drives
in the box at once.)

I was even ready to chuck HP-UX all together and run Debian Linux, but
the "woody" (chuckle) release that supports HP hardware isn't ready yet.
The PA Linux bootable CD that I downloaded and burned is only partially
bootable. It's recognized, gets through 6 or so lines showing things
load, then dies.

Anyone have suggestions? Aside from giving you the hardware. ;)


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