[rescue] What to do with an orphan DEC Professional 350?

BSD Bob the old greybeard BSD freak rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Oct 5 10:43:10 CDT 2001

On a lark.... I sometimes do a lot of things on a lark... I could not resist
a dusty, musty, but not too rusty, DEC Professional 350 crate at todays
Friday Friendly Feeding Frenzy (FFFF).  I bought it mostly to pull the
dual floppy out of it as a VAX spare.  But, the thought occurred to me
that Venix(?) or something like that ran on it.  I did not get a keyboard
or monitor for it (DEC VT220ish thing, maybe?), but was wondering if there
was a way to run a serial console off the critter for some testing?

Anyone ever do much or still run one of these DEC Professional 350 crates?



(I know, it was stupid of me to pick it up.... but....(:+}}, for a buck!)

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