You, too, can be an Author! (was Re: [rescue] Cheap 4/6xx RAM)

Derrick Daugherty rescue at
Tue Oct 2 14:27:39 CDT 2001

It's rumored that around Tue, Oct 02, 2001 at 02:08:52PM -0500
Bill Bradford <mrbill at> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 02, 2001 at 02:15:35PM -0400, Sheldon T. Hall wrote:
> > Two things to consider about being an "arthur," as Molly Ivins says:
> > (a) No one cares.
> Yep.  My name isnt even listed on the chapter I wrote for the Sol8 
> book; just in the list of authors.
> > (b) It doesn't pay.
> Yep.  I made $350 for writing the chapter; they paid me per-page as a

I would simply do it for myself.  I just have this need to give back to
the community.  As most everyone else on this list I'm completely and
totally self-taught.  Never had anyone show me how to do any of the
stuff I do.  I've just read manuals and books, I'd like to give back to
those people to come.

Fame and/or fortune is not the goal, I'll keep that to my life as a p0rn
star.  Well, one goal would be respect in the community.  I have the
utmost respect for the majority of authors I've read.  It's basically a
testament of clue.

> Hrm.  SunHELP Press... 8-)
> People on the list could write stuff, we could "publish" it in PDF...

this could be really cool..... now where did I leave my motivation...

But thank you to all who have taken the time to write down your
knowledge, I and many others appreciate it sincerely.


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