[rescue] [OT?] Humidty

Michael A. Turner rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Nov 19 09:42:48 CST 2001

	Ok this is sorta on topic but not, bare with me for a second. I am
concerend about humidty in my computer room. This is not an "Oh god the
building is on fire run around screaming" sort of a concern, more of a
nagging worry. I live in a VERY high humidity climate. Average is between
70% to 90% on most days with it getting higher in the summer. I am
wonderring if I should take steps to dehumidify my computer room? I just
have this gut feeling that all this water in the air cannot be good for my
boxen that look to me for support, their so young and helpless. Not to
mention I am on the brink most of the time for what is listed as max humidty
in the operating specifications.
	So I guess my question is two fold. One, what is the effects of
humidity on computer equipment. I have never seen any rust so could it be
like overheating for the longer term, That it shortens componet life? The
second part is, if it is a concern, what do you guys do to control the
humidty in your computer rooms?

Michael A. Turner
Systems Engineer
michael.turner at whro.org

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