[rescue] acronyms, was:Serial Output via Ethernet wire

Fogg, James rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Nov 16 07:59:37 CST 2001

Bayonette N Connector.

The type N is a true coaxial connector (no change in waveguide diameter) and
is a screw-on type for RG-8 size cable. The BNC is also a true coaxial
connector for RG58 size cable (smaller waveguide).

What isn't a true coaxial connector? PL259's, which function much like the N
but don't maintain the waveguide diameter and hose impedence.

Sorry, twas a ham geek.

> > ps: 10 points for anyone who knows what the 'rj' part of rj45 stands
> > for.  and another 10 for 'bnc'   if you google you're cheating.

> Baby N Connector = BNC
> donno on the rj.. 
> how about MMJ? the funky almost rj12, but the clip is off to the side?
> that one I know.. 

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