[rescue] point of pride in SGI R10k vs. 1Ghz x86...

Joshua D Boyd rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Nov 13 13:04:55 CST 2001

On Tue, Nov 13, 2001 at 12:04:44AM -0500, Dave McGuire wrote:
> On November 13, Patrick Giagnocavo wrote:
> > >   I wonder, Patrick...in this case, was gimp compiled to take full
> > > advantage of the R10K processor, with a decent-for-MIPS-arch
> > > (i.e. SGI's, not GCC) compiler?  If not, it's likely that it could do
> > > even better.
> > 
> > I grabbed the binary version of Gimp 1.2 from freeware.sgi.com .  My
> > guess is that it was SGI's compiler.
>   In that case, it's likely to have been compiled to run on any
> processor from the R4K up.  Compiling gimp is a bit of a pain, but you
> might see significant performance gains when compiling specifically
> for the R10K...so it might be worth the trouble!

Really, I thought compiling the gimp was so much easier on irix (6.2) than 
it was on any version of linux I've used it on.  I literally just did 
./configure --path=~ && make && make install, and it went without any 
hicups.  Err, the --path bit was because I didn't have root access to the 
machine.  You would think that SGI was the native development environment 
from how easy it was.
Joshua D. Boyd

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