St. Pete (was RE: [rescue] Sun Ray Thoughts?)

Fogg, James rescue at
Tue Nov 13 10:00:59 CST 2001

I can sell you a 3 bedroom 1 bath house in central PA (45 minutes to the
state capitol and *jobs*) for $43,000. AND, it has DSL (great service too, I
just moved from there and had 768K DSL with a static IP for $75.00/mo).

The house underwent a major end-to-end remodel, but has some work to finish
yet. Its not a shitter.

> I just can't get out of my mind what I keep hearing property 
> go for in 
> remote areas like vermont and western PA.  One place I recent 
> heard of go 
> for $75k for 75acres, with house and barn.  Man, at those 
> types of prices, 
> I could afford a T1 to make up for the lack of DSL service.
> I will be seriously interested in those sorts of areas when 
> I'm ready to 
> settle down a bit.
> -- 
> Joshua D. Boyd
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