[rescue] tape drive with no SCSI

George Adkins rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Nov 7 19:19:14 CST 2001

> I stopped thinking about buying ANY new equipment until June of next year
> (thank YOU Mr. Recession) but my senior designer was pissing and moaning
> because 'we' took away her Ultra 10 two years ago and all she could do this
> afternoon was watch NT shit Dr. Watson errors when all she WANTED to do was
> to X into her old Ultra 10 and run her library tool ....
> Would a Netra be a good choice for graphics/memory intensive apps?  I could
> almost talk them into spending 1k (plus a monitor) ...
I think I'd rather pay $500 for a used U30 with a 300Mhz Ultrasparc in 
it with 256M of RAM, and put a $100 9 gig SCA drive in it. then buy a Creator 
and some more ram if necessary


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