[rescue] Free Stuff

Steve Hatle rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Nov 5 20:47:53 CST 2001

Thanks Zach-

If you could send a copy of the bounce(s) to

shatle at vue.com

I'd like to see what they tell me. I receive plenty of other mail at 
this address; sorry to have been a pain.


P.S. Darn you, Brian and Derrick! <grin>

On Monday, November 5, 2001, at 08:15 PM, Zach Malone wrote:

> Actually, its more along the lines of that all mail I send to you 
> bounces.
> Sorry, but the Duo stuff is already claimed, Brian hasn't gotten back 
> to me,
> and if he doesn't manage to do so within the next 2 days, it will be up 
> to
> Dereck, and if he no longer wants it, its yours.
>     Zach
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Steve Hatle" <shatle at nfldinet.com>
> To: <rescue at sunhelp.org>
> Sent: Monday, November 05, 2001 9:51 AM
> Subject: Re: [rescue] Free Stuff
>> I haven't heard back one my private message to Zach on this (not a dig,
>> Zach- it's still way early on a Monday), but if he can't or chooses not
>> to, would any of you Marylanders be willing to snag the following and
>> ship it to me in Mpls? I'll cover shipping and "handling" in cash,
>> prizes, or other agreed methods <grin>
>> I don't know Maryland, so if this is a haul to pick up, don't worry
>> about it.
>> Steve
>> On Saturday, November 3, 2001, at 04:49 PM, Zach Malone wrote:
>>> Hey Everyone,
>>>     I have the following items currently gathering dust, if anyone is
>>> interested in any of these, they are yours.
>>>     Newer MicroDock SCSI (Duodock adapter)
>>>     1 Absolute Powerbook Duo battery
>>>     Powerbook Duo 230 (Believed damaged)
>>> Free to anyone who wishes to pick this stuff up from Rockville 
>>> Maryland.
>>>     Zach Malone
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