[rescue] SGI stuff

Big Endian rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Nov 2 15:58:09 CST 2001

>On Fri, 2001-11-02 at 16:23, Joshua D Boyd wrote:
>>  http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1291334927
>>  Anyone feel like mounting a major SGI rescue in Oregon?  Someone has a
>>  huge lot of SGI big iron for sale.
>Hmm, I'm in Oregon...  Salem isn't that far of a drive from Portland
>either.  I bike down that far about once a month...  So, who wants some
>of these beasties?  I can probably managed to pick them up and pack
>them, if we get enough interested people
>	Greg

I'm getting a bunch of people together here in Northern VA to buy 
this.  If anybody wants in its $200 + cost of uhaul for the first 19 
takers (have 2 already).


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