[SunRescue] 90MP cpu is about equivalent to what other sparcs?

Cookie rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu May 31 13:11:25 CDT 2001

I have a 670MP
Was a 630MP (thanks Mike =-} )
and have loaded it up with
1 dual 110mhz 1meg hypersparc mbus module
1 dual 125mhz 1meg hypersparc mbus module

you need to get the latest prom
BridgePoint sells it for $100 plus shipping

and it is fast.
   Not alot I can't do on this machine.
The hypersparc cards pop up on ebay regularly
and I think i paid 1000
2 dual 90hmz 512k hypersparcs
1 dual 110 1m
1 dual 125 1m

you may find cheaper but i was looking
for immediate gratification
Good luck

BTW if you need the exact prom revision e-mail me off list and
I will send you a copy of my   /proc/cpuinfo

		800 652 5621
		cookie at tfs.net
		ICQ 29826792
		AIM u8acookie 

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