distributed mailing list? (Was Re: [SunRescue] Question...)

Tugrul Galatali rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri May 25 02:16:03 CDT 2001

On Fri, 25 May 2001, Dan Debertin wrote:

> That's exactly what mail needs, is one more point of failure.
> Why add a database server into the mix when files do just fine? Flat files
> are quite good at storing and organizing non-interrelated data, like mail.
> If you (needlessly, IMHO) put it into a database, it is *you* who are
> "reinventing a system of storing massive quantities of data". The
> filesystem does this just fine.

	I actually agree with you, but some of the time. Its like one of those
damn wireframe cubes :-) I was looking at the IMAP4 spec a while ago, and it
seemed god awfully rich, something that would be best left to a thin interface
to a proven SQL server. I like the idea of reorganizing hundreds of messages
into virtual mailboxes based on search criteria with a few SQL commands. I 
haven't used IMAP in a while (used to speak it fluently), so my ideas about 
it might have grown vague.
	Also, simplifies syncronization in a cluster on the mail server end,
and get to take advantage of all sorts of fun stuff like replication :)
	But don't worry, if I ever get around to it, I would abstract the 
storage architecture (yeah, probably bloat, but its my damn mail server...
its your fault for choosing it :) And I haven't actually done it yet, so
take my defense with a grain of salt.
	Maybe this should move over to geeks :)

	Tugrul Galatali 

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