[SunRescue] Tape drive
Michael S. Schiller
rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon May 21 22:13:19 CDT 2001
Now porting it to sparc would be cool, it would be perfect for my SC2000 !!!
"Greg A. Woods" wrote:
> [ On Monday, May 21, 2001 at 20:46:08 (EDT), dave at cca.org wrote: ]
> > Subject: RE: [SunRescue] Tape drive
> >
> > Do any hobbiests run multics at home? What's the smallest machine
> > that'll run it?
> There are the ever circulating rumours about Multics for i386, but I
> don't know anything more about it than can be found on the WWW. Start
> at www.multicians.org.
> There was still a Multics running at a consulting company called ACTC
> Technologies, Inc. (later called Paragon Solutions, since acquired by
> CGI Group, Inc.) in Calgary, Alberta (they were originally set up by the
> University of Calgary to do Multics maintenance after IBM sold UofC a
> pile of RS/6000 junk that was supposed to be better and faster than
> their old Honeywell mainframe, UofC was the official maintenance site
> after Honeywell gave up on Multics in 1988). Is was supposedly shut
> down on July 7, 2000. DoD Canada supposedly had the last Multics
> running up until October 30, 2000. Long live Multics!
> I don't think you could run it at home sensibly on any of the original
> hardware, at least not without devoting at least 1000 sq. ft. to it, not
> to mention major electricity feeds, air conditioning, etc. Go visit the
> Computer Museum History Center in Mountain View. Calif. to see the old
> NSA DOCKMASTER machine. DOCKMASTER was a pretty big machine, but even
> with one CPU you can imagine how much space it would take! ;-)
> If anyone would want to run Multics at home it might be Tom Van Vleck. :-)
> --
> Greg A. Woods
> +1 416 218-0098 VE3TCP <gwoods at acm.org> <woods at robohack.ca>
> Planix, Inc. <woods at planix.com>; Secrets of the Weird <woods at weird.com>
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