Solaris stability and upgrades (was RE: [SunRescue] help a guy run 2.6 on his 670MP)

Bill Bradford rescue at
Wed May 16 19:10:51 CDT 2001

On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 12:51:37PM -0400, Jonathan Katz wrote:
> You left out a lot of new/nifty extensions to
> the ufs filesystem including ufs logging. 
> Essentially turns your good 'ol ufs filesystem
> into a journaling fs w/o the need for disksuite!

Yeah, and it sucks balls and leads to data corruption with
IDE drives, at least with the drives (Sun-labeled Seagates)
on the AXe/TopDog board that runs off of.


Bill Bradford
mrbill at
Austin, TX

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