[SunRescue] Your not gettin' em!
rescue at sunhelp.org
rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Mar 28 00:22:07 CST 2001
Ahh, that was a good laugh. You've obviously never dealt with "all the
other web stores with screamin' deals.", cause one thing I can tell you,
NONE of them have customer service <Grin>. Thanks, I needed a laugh.
On Mon, 26 Mar 2001, Devin L. Ganger wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 02:31:31PM -0500, Matthew Haas wrote:
> > I'd personally understand and free them of any ugly legal mess simply
> > from their past record... now if they were like SuperSellers than I'd
> > probably consider otherwise. But do we really want to risk causing trouble
> > for a pipe-dreamed price on drives that are still worth much more than
> > $19?
> Then they need to simply say, "Yup, we screwed up. Rather than take an
> ethically distasteful but legally OK way out, we'll stand by it and take
> it in the shorts this time."
> This is part of the cost of doing business. When you screw up, you take
> it with a smile and the customer goes away happy. But the customer
> comes back.
> As it is, all the justification and whinging I've gotten from them via
> email this morning goes very far to insure I'll never, ever deal with
> them again. I'd never heard of them before now, and they certainly have
> done nothing to distinguish them positively in my mind from all the
> other web stores with screamin' deals. In fact, those other guys have
> good customer service. These folks don't.
> --
> Devin L. Ganger <devin at thecabal.org>
> find / -iname *base* -exec chmod us:us {} \;
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