[rescue] RE: divide and conquer? (CPU design)

Joshua D. Boyd rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Jun 21 08:15:53 CDT 2001

I wish more places did MPP the MTA (from Cray, starts at 128CPUs in what I
think is a deskside case) or CM-2 way. Now, those are some fasinating
boxes.  If I had a chance to get a CM-2, and had the money, I'd go to
great lengths to find a place to store it until I had room to get it

Joshua Boyd

On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, Dave McGuire wrote:

>   The MPP and PVP line have coexisted for some time.  The MPP machines,
> however, could theoretically be replaced by roomfuls of little buzzing
> PeeCees, except where the aspect of shared memory benefits certain
> types of computations.  The MPPs are technically shared-memory
> multiprocessors, whereas a roomful of buzzing PeeCees is nothing more
> than a simple cluster.

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