[rescue] howto make multiple main boards work on a Sun Sparc 670/MP

Rob rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Jun 14 16:41:47 CDT 2001


I recently picked up a Sun 670/MP, and a spare cpu board, and it would be 
really nifty if I could get them to both work at the same time.  From talking 
to Wise People, it would seem that  I can't get them to work as one computer 
with shared resources: is that correct?  If I read the FAQ correctly, I am 
talking about two fully populated (4cpu, 128 mb) 501-1899 boards, but I can't 
find the number on the boards to confirm the model number.

If that is the case, I read in a different FAQ something about being able to 
make them work as multiple independent computers.  Unfortunately, all it says 
about *how* to do this is it would be 'tricky'.  This is from  
http://www.sunhelp.org/faq/sunref2.html , "Miscellaneous Questions and 
Answers" #9 .   Does anyone have any information about how to do this?

I apologize if this is a common question.  I tried looking through the 
archives, but if there is a search feature, I couldn't find it.


- Rob

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