[rescue] Re: [geeks] THIS. MAKES. ME. SICK.

Joshua D. Boyd rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Jun 14 15:44:53 CDT 2001

And you don't see me looking forward to a long career as a unix sys admin
either, do you.  

Joshua Boyd

On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, Devin L. Ganger wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 14, 2001 at 09:53:20AM -0400, Joshua D. Boyd wrote:
> > Of course, at $150k a year, you can afford to burn out after a couple of
> > years, but I'm still not sure that is a wise idea.
> Oh, get over yourself already.  NT and W2K, when run on proper hardware,
> are neither more nor less difficult to run and maintain properly than
> Unix systems.  It takes getting to know the internals well, as is the
> case with Unix.  It takes some discipline and methodology, as is the
> case with Unix.  It takes proper support and resources, as is the case
> with Unix.  But there's nothing inherently more soul-destroying about
> NT/W2K than there is with Unix, and anyone with the skillset to command
> *and deserve* $150K/yr will make NT/W2K sing and dance just as well as
> Unix can.
> -- 
> Devin L. Ganger <devin at thecabal.org>
> find / -name *base* -exec chown us:us {} \;
> su -c someone 'export UP_US=thebomb'
> for f in great justice ; do sed -e 's/zig//g' < $f ; done
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