[rescue] Re: [geeks] THIS. MAKES. ME. SICK.

Dave McGuire rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Jun 13 16:26:51 CDT 2001

  Jeeezus Al.  Don't hold back, now.

     -Dave McGuire

On June 13, Al Potter wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> OK, I don't normally engage in this in public forums, but this is just too 
> much....
> <rant><flame>
> > To be fair, there are numerous people who have had NT machines with that
> > sort of uptime.  It also is a miracle that those people weren't cracked,
> > what with running such an outdated OS and all.
> I call Bull$hit!
> Point them out.
> If they've been up that long (two years), which I seriously doubt, they are 
> obviously not patched to the current service pack, thus aren't even close to 
> safe to use for "real" purposes.  And we all know you can't patch (or do much 
> of anything for that matter) to an NT box without a reboot.  I also have a 
> HARD time believing that an NT box which hasn't been patched for TWO YEARS, 
> hasn't memory leaked itself into BSOD land.
> > 
> > I'm just saying that anyone who is familiar with Windows can set up an NT
> > workgroup server.  Before NT, you had to get a real admin in to set up the
> > new beast.  And workgroup servers don't really NEED 2 year uptimes, even
> > if it is something nice to brag about.
> And this is crap too.
> This is the real disservice that MS did to enterprise computing:  Selling the 
> suits on the idea that they could get rid of their "high paid" sysadmins 
> because (quoting you) "anyone who is familiar with Windows can set up an NT  
> workgroup server".  Bottom line is you need an experienced admin, period.  
> Otherwise, your stuff is eventually gonna flop in the wind.
> But they seem to have caught on....  is anybody else sick of hearing the 
> Foobar Training Network's ads for "MCSEs make an average of $65k a year"?
> > 
> > Thus, it wasn't any surprise that NT sold so well for file server use.
> > Plus the pricing was pretty friendly.  You can set up NT workstation as
> > a workgroup just fine.  With NT4, you are limited to 10 users, but under
> > NT 3.51 wrkstation, the user count was unlimited.  That meant, find the
> > old 486 laying around.  Add a new harddrive, stuff in more ram, and
> > install NT 3.51, and away you go, a new workgroup server for under $500.
> > Try doing that with Novel.
> NT "sold" well for file server use for a couple of reasons.  First, if you 
> beta'd it, they all but gave it to you.  Second, try, as an exercise, to 
> bootleg a Novell server (short story, all but impossible for a clueless 
> newbie).  NT could care less, one license key can light up the whole 
> enterprise.  Yah, it's theft, but lots of folks did it, and MS tolerated it 
> because it got them penetration.
> And $500 didn't buy very much RAM in the early 90s when this was going on.  I 
> still have the two 4MB 30 pin simms that I bought to expand my OS/2 box to 
> 16MB in 1993.  I paid $160 apiece for them, and got a steal.
> And while we're at it, "the old 486" wasn't laying around, it was the 
> then-current workhorse.  The Pentium didn't come until 93.
> > Obviously, almost any unixish operating system is better and cheaper, but,
> > that is only a more recent option.  Back when NT 3.51 was kicking Novels
> > but, most people hadn't heard of linux or netbsd.
> It's not obvious, it a question of suitabilty to the task at hand.
> And when NT was taking on Novell (93), Linux barely existed.  Looks like 
> NetBSD "officially" was announced in April of 93,  Open forked off of Net, so 
> came later. FreeBSD started at about the same time, early 93.
> There were PC Unicees then, but they almost universally sucked, and they were 
> horribly expensive.  SCO cost thousands......
> Do try and get it a little closer to right next time, eh?
> </rant></flame>
> AL
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