[rescue] RE: [SunRescue] OT: AS/400 stuff

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Jun 13 11:00:40 CDT 2001

Actually IIRC it is one of the most lethal drugs per MG out there.

On Wed, 13 Jun 2001, Chad Fernandez wrote:

> Wow, I never really thought of Caffeine as being lethal, but I suppose
> if you get enough of the stuff.
> I don't think I would actually consume anything made in a chemistry lab,
> who know what impurities there might be!
> Chad Fernandez
> Michigan, USA
> Joshua D. Boyd wrote:
> > 
> > I don't know the process.  I'm taking the physics way through my require
> > sciences rather than chemistry.  But I know they do it in a single lab
> > period, which means it takes less than 2 hours to manufactor several
> > lethal doses (10grams, which is about 50 nodoze tablets, is a lethal dose
> > if I remeber correctly).
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