[SunRescue] OBP coolness

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Jun 1 15:21:34 CDT 2001

When you live in California, it's a good idea. ;)

Although they now have the 20/20 plan...cut power use by 20%, get a 20%
rebate.   Let's see...the wife and I work all day, hardly watch or use the
stupid TV, don't cook much anymore(summer heat, electric stove) and leave
just the p00ters on -- oh and the clock to the VCR and microwave.  

And I'm supposed to cut 20% where?  Oh, I see...I'll just drop off the
internet and have withdrawls...sure, that's a good idea...

/me ponders a 5000W generator....

Ed Mitchell (ed<-at->the7thbeer.com)
Finger for PGP public key
This boxen's uptime stats....
  1:19pm  up 9 day(s),  3:25,  2 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.01, 0.02

On Fri, 1 Jun 2001, Dave McGuire wrote:

> On June 1, Sebastian Marius Kirsch wrote:
> > time. I'm just missing wake on lan capabilities; it happens much too
> > often that I sit at work and say, well I've got a few minutes, I could
> > just do this or that on the SGI at home -- if only it was on.
>   You turn your machines off?
>     -Dave McGuire
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