[SunRescue] Boot PROM in SparcStation 5

Peter L. Wargo rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Jan 13 11:45:02 CST 2001

on 1/13/01 0:37, Bran Tregare at tregare at rit.com wrote:

> it is flashable or is a Prom burner needed to update it?  I've got 3 sparc
> 5's with 2.15 Proms, is that current versions?  are there newer? and if
> they are flashable, where can I get the flash program, also if they are
> PROMS, where can I get the Binary image (having a prom burner myself :) )

Well, they must be 110's or less, as the 170 came with 2.28
(525-1660-01/02), or 2.29 (525-1660-03).

The other 5's all came with 2.15, a rare few with 2.24 (which was only in
the 512Kx8 version).  Part #'s are as follows:

525-1370-02 - 2.15 pilot - ver 0
525-1370-02 - 2.15 ver 1 (this was the last w/ code that supported
                          SB 501-2286 and 501-2572.  Those were the
                          first 70 & 85 boards.)
525-1419-01 - 2.15 ver 3 (110 only)

525-1439-02 - ver 3 (bad code, should not be in field)
525-1667-01 - 2.24 ver 8.

As for upgrading, they are non-flash, and it shouldn't be necessary. 2.15 is
a fine version, and I can't think of a reason not to use it.


Peter L. Wargo / pwargo at basenji.com
owner/operator of basenji.com
340 Cypress Crest Terrace
Escondido, CA 92025

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