[SunRescue] (way OT): Pallets

Mike Hebel rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Jan 5 09:44:17 CST 2001

>>Yes, same here.  I brought a Mac Plus (original all-in-one
>>upright design, 512k memory) into the office, just for a
>>laugh.  People saw it and said, "I've got one of those --
>>do you want it?" and I acquired two more Mac Pluses.


You've got to be careful with this though - once you open the floodgates
it's easy to be overloaded with stuff.  Would you believe a packrat like me
actually turned stuff away?  It hasn't happened recently granted but I was
almost inundated one time with 486 motherboards.  About 50 of them!  I may
yet be inundated with IBM rack modems from the same source - god only knows
what speed they are.  They look like black cubes with bus cards in them.

Mike Hebel

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