[SunRescue] (Help!) Problems with Solaris 8 and SPARCServer 1000E?

Kevin Loch rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Jan 3 16:58:58 CST 2001

> > I should drop back to 2.5.1, 2.6 or 2.7?  Opinions are
> > welcome!
> 8 will be faster than other versions provided you have enough memory
> installed, and 640MB is plenty.  Linux support for sun4d is extremely

One would expect the bloat to slow it down.  Of course if you disable
all unnecessary stuff in /etc/rc2.d, rc3.d/inittab,inetd.conf then 
they are all pretty much equal configurations.  Is 8 faster than 7?
7 than 2.6? 2.6 than 2.5.1? ...  The only radical speed difference I've
seen is 2.1 is significantly slower than the later versions.
Has anyone done a quantitative comparison?


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