[SunRescue] Finally got DSL

Ken Hansen rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Jan 1 14:11:21 CST 2001

When I had ISDN service, the most common problem was pair-stealing - they
would give my (seemingly idle) ISDN line to the next neighbor in my area
that wanted a second phone line - must of happened about 5 times in three

To repeat, I have been very happy with my RBOC-supplied ADSL service, going
on 10 months now...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Bradford" <mrbill at mrbill.net>
To: <rescue at sunhelp.org>
Sent: Monday, January 01, 2001 3:19 AM
Subject: Re: [SunRescue] Finally got DSL

> On Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 07:38:23PM -0600, Reagen Ward wrote:
> > SWB says I'm 17,440ft from the CO.  Northpoint says I'm about 5,500ft.
> > believe Northpoint over SWB, and it's SWB's own CO.  We've had a LOT of
> > trouble at work getting DSL installations straight, and it's almost
> > SWB at fault.  They'll put in weird stuff, run things funny, drop
> > stuff like that, all without warning.
> Amazingly enough, even though I'm about 17.5Kfeet from the CO (I didnt
> for DSL when I first moved into this house, but they built an
> CO, and I qualified with that one), my SWBT-provided ADSL line has been
> *flawless*.  I've had it now for almost a year and a half, and have only
> one or two (that I can remember) outages due to SWBT problems, and those
> up being equipment failures.  Any other outages (no more than 3-4, usually
> lasting no more than an hour) were due to the ISP (I use Jump.Net, here in
> Austin).
> Compared to the other "service" I've received from SWBT (I had ISDN from
> for a couple of years, etc), this has been almost perfect.  At least with
> ISDN, tho, it qualified as a "business-class" service, so I could get on
> phone and get someone to bitch at 24/7/365, if it went down. 8-)
> (one apartment complex I lived in, some drunk idiot took out the entire
> junction box for the entire complex with his truck.. so no phone, or ISDN,
> for about 3 days.. Come the day that they promised it would be back up, I
> get home from work, phone works, ISDN is dead as a doornail.  I called up
> on the voice phone, bitched at them, and had a guy with a truck out to the
> complex within an hour - conference-called in with me and the guy at the
CO as
> well.. had my ISDN back up within two hours, tops..)
> Only thing I miss about ISDN was being able to do a lot of the connection
> debugging myself.. "sho debug ISDN" on a Cisco 100x-series router is very
> helpful when determining if its your fault, or the other guys'...
> Bill
> --
> Bill Bradford       |    "Do you expect me to talk?"
> mrbill at mrbill.net   |    "No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!"
> Austin, TX          |        -- "Goldfinger", 1964
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