[SunRescue] Proper Operating Systems on an iPAQ

David Cantrell rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Feb 20 13:06:17 CST 2001

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Dan Lane <d at x11.net> wrote:

> David Cantrell sent the following on Tue, 20 Feb 2001...
> > I'd say that running Linux on an iPAQ is pretty silly too.  You really
> > don't need a general-purpose OS in such a device.  You don't really
> > need proper multi-tasking even, just task switching.
> So I take it there won't be a slackware port to the iPaq anytime soon ;)


Wrong David Cantrell.  Confuses lots of people though, especially those
who know I've been Slackwaring for some years.

David Cantrell | root at alphacomplex.org | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david/

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