[SunRescue] Solaris 8 on a sparcstation 10

P.A.Osborne rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Feb 19 11:50:03 CST 2001


I have managed to upgrade my  Sparcstation 10 to 2 x 50mhz CPUs each
with 1MB of cache  and 224MB RAM.

I know its not the quickest machine on the planet as I have been
running OpenBSD on it with one CPU (it doesnt do MP) and 96MB RAM
but its been usable as a web server/perl script tester/foot rest.

Since I have acquired the extra CPU and the extra RAM and bearing
in mind I wont be running X,  is it worth me putting Solaris 8
on as I know that will use the extra CPU?

Comments etc are more than welcome.



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