[SunRescue] WTB: FCAL cards (SBus)

Matthew Haas rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Feb 1 17:53:49 CST 2001


Just curious- I know FCAL is Fibre Channel... but what exactly does the
"AL" part of the acronym stand for?

For that matter I'm not 100% sure what Fibre Channel is... I always
thought it was a WAN-based technology that requires a special Fuzzy Logic
controller, and speeds topped at 200Mb/s... although I'd imagine the
technology would be much faster now that we have SCSI 160m... but the
prices of Fibre Channel and SCSI drives (At least once upon a time) seemed
the same or very similar... makes me think they were SCSI with a faster

Any words of enlightenment greatly appreciated. :)

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