[rescue] SS1000E status report and question, also Alpha server for sale

Robert Novak rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Aug 28 23:09:20 CDT 2001

Hi all,

Just got my SS1000E reconfigured with my new pile-o-ram. Still not sure if
it's worth running fulltime yet, but it's getting closer.

  falcon.indyramp.net% memconf -v
  memconf:  V1.40.1 09-May-2001 http://www.4schmidts.com/unix.html
  hostname: falcon.indyramp.net
  banner:   SPARCserver 1000E
  model:    Sun SPARCserver-1000
  Solaris 8 4/01 s28s_u4wos_08 SPARC, 32-bit kernel, SunOS 5.8
  3 TI,TMS390Z55 cpus, cpu freq: 85MHz, system freq: 50MHz
         CPU Units: Frequency Cache-Size        Memory Units: Group Size
              A: MHz MB   B: MHz MB           0: MB   1: MB   2: MB   3: MB
              ---------   ---------           -----   -----   ----- -----
  Board0:        85 1.0      85 1.0             128     128     128 128
  Board1:        85 1.0                         128     128     128 128
  Board2:                                         0     128     128 128
  Each memory unit group is comprised of 4 SIMMs
  empty memory groups: Board 2 Group 0
  total memory = 1408MB (1.375GB)

Still need to add some processors and either another cpu board and RAM or
a disk board, but those have been put off for a bit.

If anybody wants some 8MB simms for SS1000/SS2000 or other system, I have
qty 20 501-1817 8MB ECC SIMM, total of 160MB for sale or trade. 


Got an odd question about the 1000 system boards. They each have a
keyboard port... can you put a keyboard and frame buffer on each one, or
are the ones after slot 1 ignored? I'd guess the latter (i.e. others
ignored), but one never know without asking, do one?


That aside, I realized I have an AlphaStation 600 5/266 sitting at the
bottom of a pile of machines, and I don't think I've had it powered on for
nearly a year now. It was bought in the configuration shown at:


and has not been modified since. I think my AlphaStation 250 4/266
will keep me busy enough for a while, and it takes up less space too. 

I'll include the keyboard and mouse, but not the monitor. An additional
256MB of RAM may well be available at cost (if I can find where I put it).
It was working quite wonderfully last time I powered it up, and I will
power it up again to verify before taking any money for it.

If anyone would be interested in buying this system from me, drop me a
note privately. Local (San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA) pickup
preferred, but I will ship at your expense via MBE or the like, if you 
wish to field the expense....

--Rob (wondering if he should sell the Kenwood TS-570 he hasn't even
	plugged in since he got it a year ago)

Robert Novak, Indyramp Consulting * rnovak at indyramp.com * indyramp.com/~rnovak
        "And it's been a long December and there's reason to believe
           Maybe this year will be better than the last...." -- counting crows

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