[SunRescue] RE: Support your local SS/5

Ken Hansen rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Apr 27 09:47:39 CDT 2001

An SS/5 w/64 Meg of RAM and a remote file system (is that /usr or /home user directory that is remote?) or two, is not a very robust machine, IMHO, esp. if you are running a current version of Solaris - 128 Meg is a much better place for Solaris 7/8...

I have an SS/5-110 at home,and while it is no speed demon, it is a reasonable box for most uses. Of course, it has a nice, big, 4 Gig HD of recent vintage (local FS), as well as 184 Meg RAM (5x 32 Meg and 3x 8 Meg)...

Remember also, like a PC, the limiting factor for many "common" user tasks may very well be the graphics card. Staroffice will feel slow if the screen updates slowly - the CPU will spend a lot of time waiting for the graphic system to catch up, for example...


-----Original Message-----

Message: 9
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 01:40:13 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Joshua D. Boyd" <jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu>
To: rescue at sunhelp.org
Subject: Re: [SunRescue] SS5 model help
Reply-To: rescue at sunhelp.org

User directory over NFS, everything else local I think.  NIS used. 64megs
of ram. Not ideal, but it should be enough for decent performance running
netscape and a few xterms.  Or even just pine on a console.  The Sparc 10
with dual 40mhz processors even feels more responsive.  It has 96 megs of
ram and it both mounts and servers numerous NFS shares whereas the SS5s
only mount.  The SS10 is certainly slower.  It doesn't compile or crunch
numbers as quickly, but it responds promptly and quickly.  I'd love to see
that machine upgraded but it ain't going to happen.  Every now and then I
like to scare people buy showing them what it can do with 3D graphics
(full screen garoud shading with reasonable numbers of polys smooth as

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