[SunRescue] good news
dave at cca.orgdave
dave at cca.orgdave
Mon Oct 2 17:09:54 CDT 2000
n2vip at bellatlantic.net writes:
>Side note - who ever thought it was a great idea to blend copiers and
>printers into one unit? Most desktop printers work so well because they are
>so simple, add all that "copier crap" and you start to develop a new
>friendship with the copier repair man... Many offices have copier repair
>men, but no one has a printer repair man (AFAIK)...
I've always wanted to market an integrated fax/shredder to the
high-security market.
-------- David Fischer -------- dave at cca.org -------- www.cca.org --------
"Beauty is only skin-deep. It's what's underneath that really matters."
- traditional cannibal saying
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