[SunRescue] Pictures of office (better late than never...)

Chris Petersen havoc at apk.net
Tue Mar 28 15:51:47 CST 2000

> >Cool...  Much more impressive than stash.  Hey, that HP thing there looks a
> >little familiar...  :-)  Do you use that Stihl on your computers very
> often?
> >
> Yeah, its always nice to see that some "techo-geeks" feel the need for
> gasoline powered weapons of mass destruction.  I'm headed out at the end of
> the to get a Husquevarna.  Something about 18 inches of rotating steel gives
> a man a sense of power.  [insert lewd comment here]  I've got a tree or two
> out back that need removal - I'm getting sick of picking up all the dead
> branches.

Heh.  18 inches?  That's short... :)

Me, I'll go for the one we used to sell the fire stations in the area. 
24-36" bar with carbide chains...They switched to chainsaws from axes and
heavy duty cutoff saws because they were lighter and cheaper.  Even with
carbide chains, after they used the saw to cut through a few roofs (say
1-3 fires), they'd still have mangled the chain to the point that it would
need teeth replaced and sharpened...

Husquevarna makes a good saw as well, but my money's always been on
Stihl...Great equipment, runs like a tank...

> >
> >In sun-sgi, where you have all the lunchboxes and pizzaboxes, what's the
> >neatlooking pizzabox on top of what looks like an Aurora case?
> That is a SGI Indy - I think.  Correct me if I'm wrong, Chris.
> SGIs are neat machines, I'm currently trying to ramp up my collection of
> them.  I got some R3000 Indigo1s here, and an Indy I just got in.  I'm
> waiting for a deal I can't refuse on a Indigo2 to give me the excuse to buy
> one.

Yep, that's an Indy, only a  R4600PC-100, but not a bad box other wise. 
Came with 160mb of RAM, a floptical, and 535mb of disk for $100 even ;)
Great deal, I've dropped a 4 gb Narrow disk in it but haven't finished
setting it up yet.  Hope to eventually drop in the 24-bit graphics and
replace the power supply and module with an R5kSC-180...


Chris Petersen
Systems Engineer
Unigraphics Solutions Inc.		Industry Services, Mid-America Region
Email: havoc at apk.net (Personal)       petersen at ugsolutions.com (Professional)

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